Lessons from European Humanities University, Afghanistan & Belarus | Day 1: SAR 2024 Global Congress
Posted: 12-08-2024 18:40 | Views: 548
Scholars at Risk was pleased to hold the 2024 SAR Global Congress from June 25-27, 2024 in partnership with the European Humanities University (EHU) in Vilnius, Lithuania. This video features key panels which took place on Wednesday, June 26th at the Vilnius Town Hall: Opening Plenary:    • Lessons from European Humanities Univ...   • Sarah Willcox, Deputy Director, Scholars at Risk • Dr. (...)
Webinar by Inspireurope+ project: Supporting Career Development of Researchers at Risk
Posted: 05-06-2023 23:16 | Views: 720
Supporting Career Development of Researchers at Risk Webinar for Host Organisations The Inspireurope+ project, which strengthens and coordinates support for researchers at risk across Europe, will offer a webinar on Thursday 8 June, 14:00-15:00 CEST for host institutions and employers on how to support (...)
Hybrid Workshop "Threats to Cultural Heritage: normative and ethical approaches and contradictions"
Posted: 01-03-2023 20:48 | Views: 5744
The UNESCO Chair on Threats to Cultural Heritage, the Laboratory for Geocultural Analyses (GEOLab), Department F.L.T.I. and the Laboratory for the Documentation of Cultural & Historic Heritage, Department ALMS of the Ionian University organised on 15th March 2023 18:00-20:30 a hybrid Workshop "Threats to Cultural Heritage: normative and ethical approaches and contradictions".
Webinar of the European University Association “The social responsibility of universities in the era of migration”
Posted: 09-12-2022 23:07 | Views: 1893
    We are happy to invite you to the UNI(di)versity project (...)
Posted: 20-06-2022 22:11 | Views: 859
EU-Funded Fellowships and Inclusion of Researchers at Risk WEBINAR addressing key stakeholders and representatives of HEIs alongside researchers at risk 
Reminder: Consultative Drop-In Hours for Hosting Queries
Posted: 21-04-2022 00:16 | Views: 858
A friendly reminder to consider joining SAR for a series of “consultative drop-in hours” during the month of April.
Calling all university professors to participate in a survey on work engagement and burnout during COVID-19
Posted: 05-04-2022 23:08 | Views: 6119
 We are forwarding an invitation of UNESCO to the university professors worldwide Are you a university professor? If so, this survey is for you. Life for university professors can be tough, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Engagement and burnout levels in work teams relate to their effectiveness and performance, as they impact the amount of effort that people put (...)
InSPIREurope South East Europe Regional Outreach Workshop
Posted: 21-03-2022 15:48 | Views: 2406
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en  pdf.png  Inspire Europe Πρόγραμμα
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Inspireurope Regional Outreach Workshop, SE Europe on March 31, 2022 will focus on further raising awareness and promoting collaboration in Eastern and South Europe with an emphasis on Balkan Universities and the ways they can support researchers at risk in their effort to continue their academic/professional career in a safe work environment in Academia Funding opportunities and opportunities to (...)
Webinar “Preparing Greek Academic Institutes to host Scholars at Risk“
Posted: 21-02-2022 00:00 | Views: 757
AUTh, partner of the Inspireurope Program and coordinator of the newly established Greek section of the Scholars at Risk Network, organized a webinar on "Preparing Greek Academic Institutes to host Scholars at Risk", on February 8, 2022, time: 13.00-14.15. The webinar was addressed to executives and academic members of Greek universities with the aim of raising their awareness about (...)
The Ionian University with the decisive contribution of DFLTI is founding member of the Greek Section of the International Network of Scholars at Risk - SAR Greece
Posted: 02-10-2021 02:23 | Views: 1319
The Greek Section of the International Network of Scholars at Risk - SAR Greece, in which Higher Education Institutions and Organizations with a mission to protect threatened academics and researchers and promote academic freedom participate, was formed today in Thessaloniki with the signing of the founding document. Founding members of SAR Greece are the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (...)
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