The Ionian University with the decisive contribution of DFLTI is founding member of the Greek Section of the International Network of Scholars at Risk - SAR Greece

Posted: 02-10-2021 02:23 | Views: 1319

The Greek Section of the International Network of Scholars at Risk - SAR Greece, in which Higher Education Institutions and Organizations with a mission to protect threatened academics and researchers and promote academic freedom participate, was formed today in Thessaloniki with the signing of the founding document.

Founding members of SAR Greece are the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Ionian University and the Universities of the Aegean and Thessaly, which have appointed their representatives, who will delimit actions to protect researchers at risk who either remain in their country and are at risk of discrimination, persecution, violence or other afflictions, whether they have recently found or are seeking a safe haven in Europe, as well as promoting their integration, thus defending academic values.

The founding declaration signed by the Rectors of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Ionian University, the University of the Aegean and the University of Thessaly was drafted by the representatives of SAR Greece of the four universities: from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Prof. Alexandros Triantafyllis the representative of the Ionian University, Prof. Stavros Katsios, Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Translation and Interpreting, the dean of the School of Social Sciences and the doctor of the Department of the University of the Aegean, Prof. Nikolas Nagopoulos and the associate professor, director of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly Penelope Papiopi. SAR Greece is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religions.

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