Call for Reviewers: SAFE - Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe

Posted: 27-12-2024 19:04 | Views: 558



Dear colleagues,

The EU-funded SAFE project “Supporting At-Risk Researchers with Fellowships in Europe” offers up to 60 fellowships for at-risk doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of any non-EU nationality for a research stay at a higher education and research institution in the EU.

To ensure a fair selection process, we are seeking international experts to evaluate applications based on the project’s evaluation criteria. Specifically, we are looking for:

Academic experts across all disciplines Regional experts to assess the risk situations of candidates The evaluation period is scheduled for February and March 2025. By serving as a reviewer for SAFE, experts will play a vital role in the success of the project and in helping to advance the careers of talented researchers facing challenging circumstances.

Interested experts can submit their expression of interest via this link until 31 January 2025. Further details about the requirements and responsibilities of reviewers can be found in the attached Terms of Reference for External Reviewers.

Feel free to share this information with your colleagues and networks. For further information, please do not hesitate to visit our project website or contact us at . Best regards,

The SAFE Team

The EU-funded SAFE project is implemented by a consortium comprising the following partners: DAAD (coordinator), Campus France, (hosted by Collège de France) and UNIMED.

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