Refugee support networks and synergies in education

Posted: 15-07-2023 00:43 | Views: 622

In the time period 25.04.2023-07.05.2023 within the framework of the "Refugee Crisis Knowledge and Action Platform [eAegean_DIG REFUGE]" action of the University of the Aegean, a series of interactive educational and informational actions were carried out with the aim of supporting refugees in education, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the North Aegean. The central aim was to strengthen and consolidate a networked and interoperable intervention initiative of the various levels of education to strengthen this goal.

In this context, the following actions were developed:

On April 25 & 28, 2023, educational visits were made to Petra and Molyvos. The students of the ZEP reception classes of the 5th Gymnasium, the Evening Gymnasium with High School Classes, the 1st and 2nd EPAL of Mytilini showed particular interest, having the opportunity to get to know key elements of the cultural history and heritage of Lesbos, to chat and develop fields of interaction with the local community.

On 03.05.2023 science4refugees interaction workshops were held on the hill of the Aegean University. The students had the opportunity to participate in research laboratories of the University and in particular a) Marine Biology (Department of Oceanography and Marine Life Sciences), b) Cartography and Geoinformatics (Department of Geography), c) Coastal Morphodynamics - Management and Marine Geology (Department of Oceanography and Marine Biosciences) and d) Image, Sound and Cultural Representation (Department of Cultural Technology and Communication). They also participated in a course of the Department of Sociology in the context of a special thematic module coordinated by Vasiliki Bouratzis (Coordinator of Refugee Education of the Urban Network of Lesbos of the University of Athens) entitled "From school classes to student life: students ask questions to the students", they developed a dialogue with students, while at the same time they were informed about the possibilities of interconnection with higher education and the possibilities provided by the European initiative science4refugees within the EURAXESS network.

On Sunday, May 7, 2023, a day was held in the Amphitheater of the University of the Aegean organized by the Department of Sociology of the University of the Aegean and the research team of the action "Refugee Crisis Knowledge and Action Platform [eAegean_DIG REFUGE] entitled "Networks and synergies of support for refugees in education » with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of the North Aegean, the ScholarsatRisk Network, the UNHCR and adult refugee students of the Evening High School with High School Classes of Mytilini. Through the positions of the presenters, the importance of the interconnection of all levels of education in strengthening the integration path of refugee children was underlined, as well as the need for further cooperation in the field of counseling and protection of threatened refugee students and researchers.

Coordination of educational and information activities: Nikos Nagopoulos, Professor of the Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of the Aegean, Responsible for the Scientific Coordination of Action 1.6 [eAegean_DIG REFUGE].

Participation in the organization of the educational and informational activities: Vassiliki Bouratzi, Coordinator of Refugee Education of the Urban Web of Lesvos, Y. PEI.Th., Aikaterini Nikolarea, E.E.P. School of Social Sciences, University of the Aegean, Dimitris Paraskevopoulos, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of the Aegean, Kon/nos Leros, Min. PhD, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of the Aegean.
The action "Refugee Crisis Knowledge and Action Platform [eAegean_DIG REFUGE]" is implemented in the framework of the project "[e-Aegean R&D Network] Aegean Archipelago Research and Technology Network: Strengthening Regional Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Excellence" with MIS code 5046494, which is part of the Regional Excellence support action of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" of the NSRF 2014-2020 and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national resources.



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