Webinar: Hosting and Supporting Researchers from Ukraine at Greek Universities

Posted: 31-07-2022 16:07 | Views: 1992

The AUTh team of the Inspireurope Supporting Researchers at Risk Initiative is pleased to invite you to an on-line Webinar "Funding opportunities researchers from Ukraine in Greek HEIs", with representatives from Greek State authorities, SAR Greece, Greek Universities, as well as SE European HEIs, to continue efforts towards improving national-level support in Greece for hosting researchers from Ukraine; to raise awareness on the urgent need for support, as well as to plan related information activities to raise awareness in SE European HEIs about possible opportunities to host researchers from Ukraine.

The webinar will take place on Thursday, 25th of August 2022, 13.00-14.30 p.m.CEST Athens.  Register Now!

Please find attached the preliminary programme of the event.

You can also find attached our last Newsletter.

Hoping to see you all there, we remain at your kind disposal.

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