The President of SAR Greece at a hearing by the President of the Hellenic Republic

Posted: 18-03-2022 01:24 | Views: 614

On 11th March 2022, the President of the Hellenic Republic Her Excellency Katerina Sakellaropoulou received the AUTh Professor of Biology of AUTh, Alexandros Triantaphyllides, president of SAR Greece and scientifically responsible for AUTh for InSPIREurope, as well as the Assistant Professor Andreas Takis at the Law School of AUTh. and member of the InSPIREurope project team and the European Commission for the Defense of Academic Freedom, who briefed her on the newly established Greek Section of the International Scholars at Risk (SAR) Network. The mission of the SAR Greece is to strengthen and coordinate actions to support threatened or persecuted academics and researchers and to promote academic freedom, in collaboration with the International SAR Network. The President of the Republic was also briefed on the European program INSPIREurope Initiative: Supporting Researchers at Risk.

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