Webinar: Psychosocial support for researchers at risk

Posted: 09-03-2021 13:39 | Views: 4355

On March 10th from 10-12PM (CET), Inspireurope will be hosting a webinar and follow up meeting for representatives from host organisations on the topic of PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT FOR RESEARCHERS AT RISK.

The focus of the webinar and follow up meeting will be on how organisations who are hosting or employing researchers at risk can best support them in the area of mental health and social wellbeing, mindful of the particular needs and challenges they face. Please note that at the upcoming 2021 Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum on April 26 & 27, one of the dedicated sessions that will be provided for researchers at risk will focus on digital and personal security.

Topics to be covered include:

   *   Mental health challenges for researchers at risk and cultural barriers to talking about it
   *   How to identify, understand and help researchers with trauma from past experiences
   *   Where researchers at risk can seek professional assistance
   *   The importance of building social networks
   *   The particular challenges relating to isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic
   *   Discussion on steps to take for host institutions and organisations employing researchers at risk


For more information and to register for both the webinar and follow up meeting, please see here:


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