The Ionian University at the International Network Scholars at Risk (SAR)

Posted: 11-01-2021 13:24 | Updated: 25-01-2021 18:06 | Views: 902

By decision of the Senate, the Ionian University joined Scholars at Risk (SAR), a network of more than 400 Higher Education Institutions from 39 countries aimed at protecting threatened academics, preventing attacks on higher education and promoting academic freedom. Starting with an event in the European Parliament in November 2018, the establishment of Scholars at Risk (SAR) Europe is the result of a collaboration between European higher education institutions and the global Scholars at Risk (SAR). The European Department now supports and coordinates the activities of academics in national sections and partner networks across Europe by strengthening the collective voice of universities at European level and helping to inform and influence policy makers for more effective protection of scientists and academics and respect for academic freedom worldwide. It should be noted that the largest number of cases of scientists and academics exposed to threat and danger in recent years concerns countries such as Turkey, Belarus and China. The participation of the Ionian University will contribute to the promotion of the goals of the network, as it will be a founding member of its Greek department. Professor Stavros Katsios of the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation, has been appointed as the institution's representative in the Scholars at Risk (SAR) network.

"By joining the SAR, we express our solidarity with teachers, researchers and students around the world who are at risk for peacefully expressing their beliefs and asking questions," stated Ionian University professor Stavros Katsios and the institutional spokesman. in the SAR network. "Academic freedom is fundamental to the provision of quality higher education, which is also the mission of the Ionian University. The participation of the Ionian University in the SAR network, demonstrates the determination and sense of responsibility we have for the need to defend freedom of thought, locally and globally.

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