September Newsletter Σεπτεμβρίου: Έναρξη του Ελληνικού Τμήματος του Scholars at Risk - Greece Section

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Defending the human rights of scholars and
protecting academic freedom worldwide

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Save the Date: Scholars at Risk Greece Section Launch

The launch of the Scholars at Risk Greece section will take place on October 1, 2021, hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (view the event program here). SAR Greece is a partnership between Greek higher education institutions and research centers and Scholars at Risk. In constituting SAR Greece, the governance structures of member institutions, as well as researchers, educators, students, and administrative personnel send a strong message of solidarity to scholars and institutions that experience situations whereby their academic freedom is at stake, and their research, educational, and ‘third mission’ activities are constrained.

The launch will be held at the University of Thessaloniki, with online participation an option for those with difficulty traveling to the event. All sessions will be held in Greek, except for one session with international partners.

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National-level Actions in Europe - Report Release

Researchers at Risk: National-level actions in Europe, a new report of the Inspireurope project, has just been published. Inspireurope, coordinated by SAR Europe, is an EU-funded, 10-partner initiative to support researchers at risk. The report, led by Inspireurope partners, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and PAUSE, spotlights ongoing good practices in 14 European countries and encourages the development of new national initiatives to support at-risk researchers and publicly highlight the crucial role of scholars, free inquiry, and free expression in democratic societies. This report will support existing national-level initiatives in Europe, and will also be helpful for those interested in establishing new initiatives. The report will be launched in conjunction with an Inspireurope webinar on September 30th on supporting scholars from Afghanistan.

Join SAR’s Afghanistan Response

Universities, colleges, and other institutional members of the SAR Network have mobilized swiftly to create a range of opportunities to make a difference in protecting threatened scholars and practitioners from Afghanistan. We invite you to read and share SAR’s Afghanistan Bulletin and to visit our website to consider how you might join network-wide efforts to support at-risk Afghans.

Scholars Seeking Hosts

SAR scholars are at-risk higher education professionals who exemplify the pursuit of academic freedom, freedom of expression, and university values. If your institution is interested in hosting a SAR scholar, please email

A Scholar of Human Geography from Turkey

This early-career scholar specializes in cultural tourism, urban development, and geography education. He has several years of teaching and research experience at a university in Turkey, where he instructed courses in human, cultural, and political geography and geography of Africa, Asia, and Europe. He has also published several books and articles with regional publishers and presented his work at several academic conferences. He reports risk of arrest, harassment, and loss of position in Turkey and seeks research opportunities in Sweden beginning immediately. (Turkey 1331)

A Scholar of Geography and Public Policy from China

This scholar specializes in climate change, disease outbreaks, and public health policy. This scholar has several years of teaching and research experience at universities in Hong Kong and has instructed courses in sustainable and social development, climate change, and environmental resources. He has a strong record of publishing articles in international, peer-reviewed publications and a notable presence at international academic conferences. He reports risk of arrest, surveillance, and threats to his career and seeks teaching and/ or research opportunities in a safe location beginning immediately. (China 637)

A Scholar of Water Engineering and Management from Afghanistan

This scholar is a water expert who has over a decade of experience teaching and researching at universities in Afghanistan. He has played a pivotal role in supporting research on water engineering and environmental issues in Afghanistan, and remains an active publisher himself, most recently on topics including responses to drought and water governance. He reports risk of violence and threats to his life in Afghanistan, and seeks teaching and/ or research opportunities in a safe location beginning immediately. (Afghanistan 854)

*** Note: We are actively receiving and reviewing a large number of applications for assistance from Afghanistan. We are communicating separately with member universities that are ready to host regarding a more robust list of scholars seeking assistance from Afghanistan.


All Scholars Seeking Assistance »

Save the Date: SAR’s annual Free to Think report and Courage to Think Award

SAR invites members and the general public to save Thursday, December 9, 2021 for the release of Free to Think 2021, the annual report of SAR’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The virtual event will bring together experts for conversations about concerning trends in higher education communities around the world to raise awareness and urge diverse state and non-state stakeholders to join us in protecting and promoting academic freedom. The event will also feature a presentation of SAR’s annual Courage to Think award. Stay tuned

SAR’s Urgent Appeal to Reverse Mass Dismissals of Yemeni Scholars

On August 24, Scholars at Risk (SAR) issued a letter to Saudi Arabian officials expressing concern over reports that Yemeni scholars and other professionals in Saudi Arabia’s southern provinces are being dismissed from their positions and consequently facing deportation from the country. SAR’s letter calls on Saudi Arabian officials to reverse any orders to terminate contracts of Yemeni scholars and to ensure that Yemeni and all other international scholars are able to carry out their work without fear of dismissal because of their nationality or immigration status.

Read the Letter »

Free To Think Podcast

Free to Think talks with Dr. William Tierney, university professor emeritus and founding director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California. He discusses his new book, Higher Education for Democracy: The Role of the University in Civil Society, released by SUNY press in July 2021, in which he argues that beyond research, teaching, and preparing graduates for their future careers, the university community plays an important societal role.

Please send us your comments, questions, or suggestions for future episodes to, or by tweeting us at @RobQ_SAR or @ScholarsAtRisk.

Subscribe to the podcast on SpotifyGoogle PodcastsApple PodcastsAudibleAmazon Music, or Stitcher.

News & Events

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SAR Norway: Ten Years of Protecting Academic Freedom – What will the Future Bring? I September 21, 2021 I University of Oslo

The Scholars at Risk Norway Section will mark its 10-year anniversary with discussions on how its member institutions and society at large can strengthen academic freedom and learn together from past experiences. The event will be held at University of Oslo and streamed for online participation. Learn more here.Register »

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Academic Freedom & Researchers at Risk on the Agenda of the 2021 EAIE Community Exchange I September 28 - October 1, 2021 I Online

SAR Europe and the Inspireurope project will take part in three sessions at the 2021 EAIE Community Exchange addressing the topics of academic freedom and researchers at risk.

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Inspireurope: Supporting Afghanistan’s scholars: Information for higher education institutions in Europe I September 30, 2021 I Online

The Inspireurope project will host an information session for higher education institutions and other employers across Europe on supporting scholars from Afghanistan. The event will also serve as the launch of an Inspireurope project report: Researchers at Risk: National-level actions in Europe. The report was led by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Philipp Schwartz Initiative and the PAUSE program. Learn more here.

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Launch of Scholars at Risk Greece Section I October 1, 2021 I Online

The launch of the Scholars at Risk Greece section, a partnership between Greek higher education institutions and research centers and Scholars at Risk, will be held in-person at the University of Thessalonkik, with online participation an option for those with difficulty traveling to the event. All sessions will be held in Greek, except for one session with international partners. .

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The No. 2/2021 issue of Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (New Authoritarian Regimes and Democracies: Law, Institutions, Society) I Deadline: October 15, 2021 (Essays); November 1, 2021 (Other contributions)

The latest issue of New Authoritarianism and Democracies’ (NAD) will include a special focus on academic freedom in a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective. NAD is accepting contributions concerning the legal, political, historical, and cultural aspects of academic freedom in different political systems (autocracies, full democracies, and flawed democracies). All submissions should be sent to

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Inspireurope Outreach Workshop I October 7, 2021 I Jagiellonian University

The second Inspireurope outreach workshop will take place in Krakow, Poland on October 7-8, 2021 and aims to build on the progress made at the first Inspireurope outreach workshop that took place in Krakow on January 9, 2020. Hosted by Inspireurope project partner Jagiellonian University, the workshop will bring together stakeholders from Poland and neighboring countries to discuss activities to support researchers at risk. Learn more here.

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On Mourning and Exile: Looking Back at Rwanda I October 28, 2021 I Roger Williams University

Roger Williams University and the SAR United States section will co-host a conversation with Rwandan author Scholastique Muksonga as she explores ideas of mourning and exile in the wake of the Rwandan genocide. Learn more here.

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Save the Date: SAR’s annual Free to Think Report and Courage to Think Award

SAR invites members and the general public to save Thursday, December 9 for the release of Free to Think 2021, the annual report of SAR’s Academic Freedom Monitoring Project. The virtual convening will bring together experts for conversations about key issues in the report, and a presentation of SAR’s annual Courage to Think award.

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Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum I May 2nd – 3rd, 2022 I Berlin, Germany

The third and final Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum will take place in Berlin on May 2nd – 3rd, 2022. It will be hosted by Inspireurope partner; the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation and will review progress and lessons learned on the Inspireurope project with key stakeholders from across Europe.

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Scholars at Risk is an independent not-for-profit corporation, hosted at New York University. Our international network of institutions and individuals shares a mission to protect threatened scholars, promote academic freedom, and prevent attacks on higher education communities around the world.

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